Last night I watched D'Souza's new movie last night and here is a brief summary and some critiques that I have.
The Summary:
Introduction: D'Souza starts with his conviction of breaking campaign finance laws. His time in jail and that his idea of America changed, getting an idea of Hillary through conversations with gangs in jail.
The History of the Democratic party: Using Andrew Jackson, the civil war and Woodrow Wilson as the main examples of how the Dems have been on the side of racism, using Ida B Wells to show that blacks were Republican until the New Deal was formed.
He then used Margaret Sanger to coincide Democrats being not just against blacks but against women and pro eugenics (making a master race and getting rid of undesirable peoples).
Hillary Clinton: Using her mentor Saul Alinsky to open, D'Souza makes the case that Hillary and her husband Bill are crooks and criminals, going back to their first meeting (and prior to) through being in Arkansas and the White House and recently the Clinton Foundation and as Secretary of state.
Ending: Trying to tie it all together, with the history of the Democratic party and the Clintons; how can one with a conscience vote for them? Ending with a choir singing the complete Star Spangled banner.
Now obviously this movie is to convince people to not vote for Hillary. Will it be successful? Well I offer the pros and cons of the movie's purpose and a couple critiques. Let it also be known that Dinesh D'Souza is an immigrant from India, is a conservative and had made an earlier movie of the same vein; Obama's America.
The Pros:
- Accurately showed how current Democrats try to distance themselves or outright lie about their party's history.
- Showed why Blacks and women, Hillary's projected largest blocks of voters, should not vote for her.
- Showed how Dems have been involved since the turn of the century to get involved with immigrants to vote Democrat.
- Showed well that Obama and Hillary had a similar mentor, Saul Alinsky and his ties to the mafia.
- Finally, Hillary's past shows that she doesn't care for the things she allegedly represents.
- Great coverage on the Clinton Foundation.
The Cons:
- There was way too much time spent on racism.
- The movie seemed aimed for an audience of democrat blacks and democrat women; completely missed a Bernie Sanders audience.
- Very little marketing of this movie meant hardly anyone will see it.
- Unlike his movie about Obama, there was no listing of what an America with hillary would look like other than her "stealing" it. So kind of anti-climatic.
A few critiques:
1. Again, too much time on racism. when he got to Woodrow Wilson, I was hoping he would show him as helping with making the IRS, the 16th Amendment, and founding the Federal reserve...that democrats empowered the same banks.
2. He should have made points as to what America will look like with Hillary in office; a better summing up.
3. Finally, the constant focus of the civil war only being about slavery. This only distracts from the message.
Overall, I thought it was good, but did not sum up very well in my opinion.