Friday, March 2, 2012

Letter to the Editor Daily Reflector 3-2-2012

There are so many things going on right now that I could only choose one topic and one that has been on my mind a lot lately is the recent issue with President Barack Obama mandating that religiously affiliated employers must provide coverage for contraceptives and abortions.

This flies right in the face of our constitutional First Amendment rights, that the government should not make a law to interfere with religion. Moreover, this is not just a Catholic issue as the media is taking it (recently many Protestant-affiliated colleges said they would drop health care coverage for students once Obama’s mandate was enacted), this is and issue for all Americans.

Remember how Obama promised that his health care reform would not include the funding of abortion? Well that seems to have been a lie and the compromise in which Obama said he would make insurance providers write contraceptive coverage into the plans is a violation of free enterprise. What we should all be concerned with is what is it the president we have in office wants to achieve. It would appear through his actions and his administration’s concerted efforts that he wants to make bigger government, which encroaches on civil liberties and forces the agenda of an elite few. That is why I am asking anyone who reads this, anyone who enjoys the freedoms we still have left in America, to support the Respect for Rights Conscience Act (H.R. 1179 and S.B. 1467) that will override such offenses to our liberties. Please contact your federal congressman or woman as soon as possible.



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